Faith 2.0 - Making Sense of our Faith in the Digital World

If Jesus were here today, He wouldn't be riding around on a donkey. He'd be taking a plane, He'd be using technology and media to share His Grace, Word and Love

Faith 2.0 Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Faith 2.0 - Making Sense of our Faith in the Digital World by Chester Roxas Cruzado is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Faith 2.0

The Ministry of the Word in the Digital World

Jesus Faith 2.0

Let's Chat! Faith 2.0


Forming Augustinians’ Interiority Towards Holiness  2.0

"And spurred on by the method to return to myself, I entered into my deepest interior, 

led by You. There I was in a state such that You became my helper. I entered and looking with my mind's eye - how weak it is - I saw above this eye, above my spirit a constant light." 
(Augustine’s Confessions 7, 10, 16)

"Do not look outside; return to yourself. In our interior the truth resides... Go inside, where the light of reason is illumined." 
(Augustine’s The True Religion 39,72)

“Thus self-knowledge is the crucial first step toward knowledge of God.” 
(Augustine’s Soliloquies 1,9,16)

The world today is characterized by the degradation of moral values and atrophy of human character due to inevitable factors, like human suffering, ignorance, poverty, family problems, globalization, technological advancements, consumerism and others. Young people remain victims of this global plight. Sometimes, they have difficulty distinguishing right from wrong. Some of them do not appreciate the value of prayer, Scriptures and the sacraments. Others cannot find any meaning in their faith. Others do not see the relevance of Church’s teachings in their lives. They are misguided by what they hear from the people around them. They are misled by what they read, hear and see in the media. They are confused by what they witness in their own homes. Most of them cannot anymore find security, hope, and guidance in their own homes. But, we must not lose hope. There is still a place where young people can be molded, formed and guided. The school is the only and the best venue where their hearts can be purified, minds molded, character formed, spirits uplifted, and lives transformed.

And so, Faith 2.0, which is the Spiritual Development Program of the High School Department, is geared to the full realization of a Catholic school’s goal of making Christian Living Education as the core of the curriculum and the fulfillment of Colegio San Agustin’s vision of building up the City of God here on earth, thereby giving more attention to and focusing on the spiritual development, character and values formation of the students and the faculty. The primary goal of a Catholic school should be evangelization (PCP II).

“Religion (Christian Living Education), as the core of the school curriculum, with the function of binding together all the other disciplines, while giving due respect to autonomy.” (Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, 639)

Catholic schools are given fundamental task of bringing about a synthesis of culture and faith, and a synthesis of faith and life, they can realize the first by integrating all the different aspects of human knowledge through the subjects taught, in the light of the Gospel. (Catholic Schools, 37)

“Individual subjects must be taught according to their own particular methods… They enable the pupil to assimilate skills, knowledge, intellectual methods and moral and social attitudes, all of which help to develop his personality and lead him to take his place as an active member of the community of man. Their aim is not merely attainment of knowledge but the acquisition of values and the discovery of truth.” (Catholic Schools, 39)

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